Thursday, January 24, 2008

FHL website

Here's a link to the league's website where you can check out the stats of other teams and the results of games between other teams. You can also check the site for player profiles and arena locations.

To go to the FHL website, click here!

Pillage and Plunder in Style

Avast ye maties, this is the team photo from last year, and as you know we are using the same jerseys this year. The question is, do we want new ones? Please respond and let me know what you're thinking and any ideas you may have for new ones.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pirates Hockey Blog Now Up and Running!

Welcome to the Pirates Hockey Blog! Bringing players, parents, coaching staff, and fans together!

Check back here often for information like practice dates, times, and other league and team information. This blog will act as a medium between the members of the team, parents, and coaching staff. Parents and players can respond to postings or use this blog as a way to communicate with teammates and coaches.